A one-hour special documentary that follows the actor, author, humorist, and renowned performer as he goes back to school, to demonstrate the transformative power of arts education. This one-hour special features actor John Lithgow going back to school to demonstrate the transformative power of arts education. He immerses himself with teachers and students to explore four arts disciplines: dance, ceramics, silk-screen printing and vocal jazz ensemble. The program celebrates how arts education nurtures and inspires the hearts and minds of students of all ages.
Art Happens Here with John Lithgow airs Friday, April 26 at 10 p.m. on WXXI-TV and On-Demand following the broadcast.
Audiences that may wish to screen the program or clips from the program include: Fine arts organizations, schools, guidance counselors, educators, professional associations connected to the arts that serve youth, youth, youth out of school programs, parent-teacher associations, school boards, students considering taking participating in the arts in school. See the discussion guide for activities and additional ideas.
Downloadable Discussion Guide
Trailer: This one-hour special features actor John Lithgow going back to school to demonstrate the transformative power of arts education. He immerses himself with teachers and students to explore four arts disciplines: dance, ceramics, silk-screen printing and vocal jazz ensemble. The program celebrates how arts education nurtures and inspires the hearts and minds of students of all ages.
Self-Help Graphics Blends Art and Activism With John Lithgow: John Lithgow visits Self-Help Graphics in Boyle Heights to learn from printmaking instructor Dewey Tafoya and student Yolitztli Torres. Tafoya shares the organization’s rich history as a community art hub. Assigned to collaborate on a printmaking project, John and Yoli are inspired by the nearby Mariachi Plaza for an artivism project, merging art and activism.
La Cañada Students Shape John Lithgow’s Intro to Ceramics: John Lithgow joins the La Cañada Flintridge Ceramics Program, under the guidance of youth ceramics teacher Azzah Abdus-Shakoor, who guides students through the art of clay-making and the lessons hiding in mistakes. Engaging with classmates, Lithgow discovers their individual ceramic journeys and the invaluable teachings beyond the clay.