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“Arthur” is an animated series aimed at children ages 4 to 8, starring 8-year-old aardvark Arthur and his family and friends. Watch them creatively solve problems, learn to get along, and appreciate each other’s differences! Additionally, “Arthur” encourages a love of reading and libraries for all children. Based on the popular book series by Marc Brown, “Arthur” has been a family favorite to watch together for over 25 years.
Where to Watch:
- WXXI Kids 24/7 Channel on TV 21.4/Cable 1277 (or 1278)
- WXXI Kids website Live Stream or and the PBS KIDS free Video App. (Download)
- PBS KIDS YouTube channel
Listen to the Arthur Podcast Series: Arthur Read is back with The Arthur Podcast! Listen in as he shares his favorite adventures with DW, Buster and all their friends from around Elwood City. Each episode is an audio adaptation of a story from the classic television series with some new commentary from Arthur himself
Watch Full Episodes of Arthur:
WXXI Education Favorites
Here are a few of our favorite Activities: ARTHUR Activities:
- Activity: Learn how to draw Arthur.
- Explore Arthur’s crafts, games and activities
- PBS KIDS Arthur Games
Learn more at the PBS KIDS for Parents Arthur Show Page
Watch Digital Shorts from Arthur: