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“Let’s Go Luna!” is a show for kids ages 4 to 7 that follows the adventures of three friends as they travel the world with their parents’ traveling performance troupe, “Circo Fabuloso.” At each of the Circo’s stops, Luna the Moon guides the trio – Leo, a wombat from Australia; Carmen, a butterfly from Mexico; and Andy, a frog from the United States – as they get to know the local region and its people. Their adventures take them through cities around the globe where they explore the food, music, art, architecture and other features that make each place unique and wonderful.
Watch Playlist of Full Episodes:
WXXI Education Favorites
Here are a few of our favorite Activities:
- Activity: Write down your family’s favorite recipes with these Luna recipe cards.
- Game: Pick a creative game like Carmen’s World Orchestra or Andy’s Art Studio.
- Article: A walk around the block can be a grand adventure
- Craft: Make a Chinese rattle drum.
- Article: How to help your child discover the world.
Learn more at the PBS KIDS for Parents Let’s Go Luna