This cooking series celebrates Leah Chase, featuring members of the legendary chef’s family.
The Dooky Chase Kitchen: Leah’s Legacy airs Monday through Friday at 6:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m. and Midnight, and Sundays at 5 p.m. on WXXI-CREATE.
Showcasing the Tremé restaurant and local landmark where Chef Leah Chase became known as the Queen of Creole Cuisine. Shot on location at Dooky Chase, the 26 episodes feature dishes that trace the history and cultural significance of the restaurant, prepared by younger generations of the Chase family who have led since Leah’s death.
Photo: (L-R) Leah’s grandson Edgar “Dook” Chase IV, great-granddaughter Zoe Chase, niece Cleo Robinson and granddaughter Eve Marie Haydel • Provided by APT