WXXI Education has pulled together educational support resources related to learning about Space for K-12.

Connect to PBS LearningMedia for Space Resource Collections & Solar Eclipse Resources

PBS KIDS Solar Eclipse Digital Kit for PreK-2nd grade (from WXXI Education)
Solar Eclipse Games and Activities from NYS Libraries

Space Collection: Resources organized by grade levels. (K-2) (3-5) (6-8) & (9-12) Note particularly the Solar Eclipses Lessons & Interactives for 6-8 and 9-12 Bringing the Universe to America’s Classrooms: Engage K–12 students with phenomena and science practices using this collection of supplementary digital media resources created by GBH in collaboration with NASA. The resources align with key NGSS Earth, space, and physical science disciplinary core ideas. To ensure that science content is accessible for all students, supports are included for students with disabilities or who are English learners; many resources have Spanish translations.
Eclipses: CrashCourse
Space Time: A PBS LearningMedia Collection for 6-12

Space Time PBS LearningMedia Collection: Join astrophysicist Matt O’Dowd on a journey through the deepest, darkest, coolest corners of the universe. Math, physics, and astronomy can’t get much bigger than this.
On the acclaimed PBS Digital Studios series Space Time, Matt explores the outer reaches of space, the craziness of astrophysics, the possibilities of sci-fi, and anything else you can think of beyond Planet Earth. Visit the series home on YouTube for new weekly episodes and challenges that prompt your classroom to think differently about physics and push the rules of space and time to the limit.
NOVA: The Great American Eclipse
Scientists prepare new experiments to study the solar eclipse. Length: 60 Minutes
See the Great American Eclipse Video (From 2017)